Viewing your contract landscape

There are several ways to view and find contracts in docufyi.

1.  Contract dashboard - From the contracts link, you can view all of your contracts by "stage".  There is an easy to read and easy to view dashboard of tiles.  The tiles are organized by the most common stages or status of your contract. 

  • Inbox - Files that are ready to be processed and added to contracts
  • Draft - Contracts that you are currently working on.  That is, maybe they are being negotiated, or maybe you are in the process of gathering other information for the contract in docufyi.
  • Active - These are all active contracts.  These contracts are in their current term and do not have a key deadline that has passed.
  • Action Required - These are contracts that either have a deadline that has passed or are in the process of investigating alternatives before contract renewal.  
  • Notice Given - Contracts where you have notified the vendor that you do not plan to renew at the contract end.
  • Terminated - An archive of previous contracts whose terms have ended.  This stage allows you to continue to review information on old expired contracts.

2. List view - From the column view, you have the option to select a simple list view.  This tabular view is an easy way to view a full list of your contracts and sort buy stage, contract name, organization, number of files, value, tags, and key dates. 

3. View by tag - You are also able to view all contracts by category or tag.  On any view that lists a contract and a tag is listed, just click on the desired tag and a list of all contracts in that category.

4. View by organization - From the Organization list, you can select a specific organization and docufyi will display all of the relevant info about the organization.  In that organization view, docufyi shows a list of all contracts you have with that specific organization. 

5. View by person - From the person list, you can select a specific organization and docufyi will display all of the relevant info about the person.  In that person view, docufyi shows a list of all contracts you have with that specific person. 

6. Search - You can also do a simple search and docufyi will search through the contract data and provide a list contracts that have that term.


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